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alcoholics anonymous造句

"alcoholics anonymous"是什么意思  
  • Some time after that shannons mother went to alcoholics anonymous
  • They were started by alcoholics anonymous and people throughout the decades have continued to use them
  • The twelve steps were presented to us by alcoholics anonymous and is used by recovery groups around the world
  • My spiritual roots were first formed in alcoholics anonymous . i was taught " don t drink and keep coming back .
  • They came to the door and knocked on the door and said , we are here to take you to an alcoholics anonymous meeting
  • Nestler of the university of texas southwestern medical center . “ an argument can be made that alcoholics anonymous provides that type of alternative focus
  • I don t usually make predictions , but i do suggest you get tuned into the ultimate reality that stimulates creativity , known as the higher power in alcoholics anonymous
  • But today we also know that if you re convicted of a dui , driving under the influence , one of the things the judge may do , among other things , is require you to go to an aa meeting , alcoholics anonymous
  • His name is dick b . and if you want to study the history of alcoholics anonymous you can go to dickb . com and it can give you some more information but this is the best summary of who wrote the 12 steps that im familiar with
    我发现有一位男士,他被公认为研究aa治疗中心历史的主要人物,他的名字是dick b . 。若你想研究aa治疗中心的历史,浏览dickb . com ,就可以获得更多资料。
  • And the two of them were the spiritual participants that helped brother bill put together the twelve step programs for alcoholic anonymous . aa didn t come out of secular hearts and secular minds . it came out of the hearts and minds of norman vincent peale and dr . samuel shoemaker
  • It's difficult to see alcoholics anonymous in a sentence. 用alcoholics anonymous造句挺难的
  • Also , many problem drinkers , instead of going to alcoholics anonymous or similar programmes , go there to promise her that they will never drink again , or abstain for a certain period ; it is reported that the majority of these find the strength to fulfill their promise
  • And its based on the 12 steps of alcoholics anonymous . the 12 steps that have been used in recovery groups regardless of what the addiction is for decades . ive been talking about it now and somebody wrote in and asked me why dont you give credit to the author of the 12 steps
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